Industries Served — Other Manufacturing

We know deburring, and we’ve built countless solutions across industries to help our customers’ bottom line stay in the black. If you’re machining parts of any kind, consider an expertly-designed and deburring-specific machine, instead of an add-on brush or a secondary action, to a machine that wasn’t designed for deburring. We also offer high precision deburring with our MET-6 machine. From a high volume and large quantity outputs to detail-oriented, high-cycle time machines, our expert team can design, implement, and service a machine for your exact need.
Cookware Finishing
A cookware manufacturer needed a solution to deburr and surface prep blanks for coating. Blanks were large diameter flat metal and could not be gripped on the OD. A custom solution was needed in order to transition work pieces from load-work-unload. The customer required the large-scale operation to be enclosed in a safe room as well.
Learn MoreMarine Engine Gear Deburring
A manufacturer of marine equipment required a light chamfer to be cut into a family of gears. The family consisted of eight different gears, requiring multiple, quickly interchangeable work holdings. Customer requested part spindle that would move horizontally as to be loaded/unloaded by an external robot. Customer also requested a wash-down system for machine maintenance/cleanliness.
Learn MoreWorm Gear Deburring
A manufacturer of electric motors needed an automated descaling solution to remove build up from heat treating.
Learn MorePlastic and Polymer Deburring and Finishing
A manufacturer of plastic valve covers needed a solution for mass processing/removal of burrs created by slot milling. A small, low-cost mobile machine was requested. Due to the nature of the material to be brushed, dust collection was a must-have.
Learn MoreIndustrial Compressor Rotor Deburring
A manufacturer of air compressors needed a solution to edge break sharp surfaces on a family of shafts. The machine needed to accommodate for a fairly large range of part lengths and process all parts within a short cycle time.
Learn MoreCarbide Insert Edge Preparation
A manufacturer of carbide cutting inserts needed to perform edge preparation in a more timely manner (by adding a small radius to the sharp edge of a cutting tool, manufacturers can increase life and performance). The machine needed to be clean, low cost and have a small, mobile footprint.
Learn MoreCutting Tool Edge Preparation
A large automotive manufacturer required a means to more effectively and consistently polish/treat cutting tools to be used in their machining centers. Our goal was to provide an intelligent, capable machine within a limited footprint.
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