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Manufacturing Day 2017 is More Important Than Ever to Showcase Job Opportunities
In 2012, the Manufacturers Association International and Founding Partner Fabricators together created MFG DAY and was very well received. It’s growing support from various companies and a clear mission to achieve its goals was recognized and appreciated by the then President of the United States, Barack Obama.
On October 2nd, 2014, President Obama issued a proclamation stating the first Friday of October as National Manufacturing Day. The presidential proclamation stated: “On National Manufacturing Day, more than 1,600 American manufacturers will open their doors and take up the important work of inspiring our young people to pursue careers in manufacturing and engineering.”
Now, the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) holds NMD annually with the support of the Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP).
MFG Day Mission
The mission of celebrating Manufacturing Day (MFG DAY) is to empower and inspire the next generation of manufacturers.
Many manufacturing companies also consider this as an opportunity to:
Clear the misconceptions about manufacturing
Provide a sneak-peak into the manufacturing world
Spread awareness of the manufacturing processes
Highlight the importance of manufacturers in the community
Familiarize people to manufacturing careers
Since 2012, the number of events hosted across the country on MFG DAY has increased over a remarkable 1000%. All 50 states actively participate in not only creating awareness but also in fulfilling the four goals of NAM:
#1 Attract Investment
#2 Lead Innovation
#3 Expand Global Market Access
#4 Develop a 21st Century Workforce
Events across the nation attract students, investors, educators, businesses and the general public. As per reports, in 2016, approximately 500K participated in various events, which included more than 200K students.
MFG Day Events in Ohio
Tech Solve Event (Oct 7): Cincinnati, Ohio
If you are the one who dreams of traveling to space or who doesn’t miss out on tech news, this is something you should attend. Launch rockets, ride a hovercraft, try on a space suit, explore 3D printing and drone technology and much more for FREE.
Ashley Ward Inc. Event (Oct 6): Mason, Ohio
The event has presentations, facility tours, and hands-on experiences, that demonstrate how a machine shops operates daily. Students aspiring to make a career in manufacturing should attend this event.
Fearless Frontline Leader Awards (Oct 26): Cincinnati, Ohio
Celebrating the Frontline Leaders who fuel the Manufacturing Industry, this event aims to appreciate innovative, risk-taking leaders in an award ceremony.
AK Steel Corporation Event (Oct 6): Middletown, Ohio
This event will let you explore the steel manufacturing process through a tour of their plant. Aspiring students should certainly not miss this event.
MFG Day Impact
A survey conducted by Deloitte on the 2016 Manufacturing Day shows interesting results on its impact on students’:
89% made aware about the various manufacturing jobs in their communities
84% were more convinced that manufacturing jobs are lucrative and rewarding
71% likely to spread the information received to other students in their community
64% look forward to pursuing a career in manufacturing
So with all the positive statistics and reasons to spread the word about manufacturing and #MFGDay17, which events are you going to attend this year?
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** All facts and statistics are from