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Increasing Manufacturing’s Impact on Ohio
October marks the beginning of the fourth quarter. After a third quarter that might be easily summed up as so-so, now is the time when many companies see the beginning of a buildup designed to push through to 2017. A collective fourth quarter rev in the industry engine could be just the thing to break the third quarter’s lackluster results that were marked by slow hiring, low consumer sentiment and lagging automobile sales.
In the state of Ohio, the third quarter had its own positives with the creation of an Asset Map of Manufacturing Opportunities. Leading the charge for intensifying additive manufacturing in Northeast Ohio were additive manufacturing proponents MAGNET, Team NEO, America Makes and the Youngstown Business Incubator.
Setting the Stage
The groundwork provided by the Asset Map group provides for planning structure, networking-to-market participants, engagement, and marketing and technical help. Through the use of voice-of-the-customer interviews, the group looks for ways to i.d. current and future opportunities to implement additive manufacturing in the state. These steps echo some of the plans for industry re-engagement the Presidential hopefuls continue to voice while campaigning in key manufacturing states. With a workforce of 273,000 within Ohio, recognizing parallel initiatives could be one way to gain federal backing for projects as well as work collectively to move the overall initiative forward at a faster pace.
Eliminating Red-Tape Snarls
Too many times in an election season, once the cameras stop rolling, campaign promises are quickly forgotten. Having initiatives with ways to fill the gaps in the value chain of in-region companies and original equipment manufacturers already in place could be the critical momentum needed to keep growing the project. Without steady action and dedicated individuals looking out for the needs of Northeast Ohio manufacturing, campaign rhetoric about boosting manufacturing in the state could become just another forgotten promise. Now is the time for manufacturers to look for ways to continue to collaborate and build on the reinvention of the manufacturing industry at large.
Collaborative Solutions
The Cleveland Deburring Machine Company can provide for a deburring solution for gears, sprockets, aerospace and defense, power transmission, powdered metals, fluid power and custom deburring applications. Our no-charge evaluation includes a detailed report and process description in as little as 3 to 5 business days. Contact CDMC today for a deburring machine that’s right for you.